PRivacy policy

BABY NOMAD, collects, treats and stores personal information through its website
Information relating to users of the website will be collected, processed and stored in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Identity of the data controller
Company Name: BABY NOMAD
Address: Los Cabos, México.
Contact e-mail:

Applicable laws

* RGPD (REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL OF 27 April 2016 on the Protection of Individuals).
* Organic Law 3/2018 on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights.
* LSSICE (Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce).

Data collected

In compliance with current legislation on data protection, BABY NOMAD as responsible for the WEBSITE, informs all users who provide or will provide their personal data, which will be processed by them, in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of the RGPD.
Only the data strictly necessary to carry out the normal activity of the service will be collected, adjusting in any case to the principle of data minimization, as established in Article 5 of the RGPD.
The data collected will be in any case of persons of legal age. BABY NOMAD reserves the right to take appropriate measures to verify the veracity of the age.
In any case these data will be personal, identifying and non-sensitive; they may be more specifically:
– Name.
– Contact telephone number.
– E-mail address.
– Bank card
-Address data for shipping.

Data collection methods

Personal data will be collected through the BABY NOMAD website, , when the user enters information in the purchase form provided for this purpose on the website.

The contact form is provided for the purpose of establishing a business contact between the user and BABY NOMAD, allowing the user to request a quote or express any other question about it to the company; the fields of this form are properly marked and will not collect any data until you agree to the processing, transfer and management of data in accordance with this privacy policy.

Compulsory or optional nature of the information requested
The user provides the requested information voluntarily. The refusal to provide it has, as the only consequence for the user, not being able to contact BABY NOMAD or receive information and budget tailored to their preferences or services offered by the WEBSITE.

Commitments of the user

The user guarantees that he/she is of legal age and that the information provided is accurate and truthful.
By checking the corresponding box, the user expressly and freely accepts that his/her personal data will be processed by for the following purposes:
– To manage the commercial relationship established between BABY NOMAD and the user.
– To provide the services requested by the user.
– Adapt its services to improve quality for the user.
– Design new services related to its activity.
– Conduct statistical studies to design improvements in the services provided.
– Send information requested by the user.
– Send information about modifications in the services in which the users are interested.
– Send information about new services similar to those originally contracted or purchased or that may be of interest by any means, including electronic, even when the business relationship established between BABY NOMAD and the user ends.
The user consents to the processing of their data for the purposes described above, without prejudice to the right to revoke such consent by sending an email to the address identifying yourself as a user of the WEBSITE and specifying your request.
BABY NOMAD undertakes not to use the data obtained for any purpose other than those indicated.

Third party data provided by the user

In the event that the USER provides personal data of third parties for any purpose, the USER guarantees to have previously informed those affected and obtained their consent for the communication of their data to BABY NOMAD.
BABY NOMAD will check the consent of those affected through a first email with non-commercial content in which confirmation of the consent given on their behalf by the USER will be requested.
In the event of liability arising from a breach of these conditions by the user, it shall be liable for the consequences of such breach.
BABY NOMAD, as responsible for the processing of personal data, is obliged to maintain professional secrecy with respect to all data collected, as well as to keep them, obligations that will survive even after the end of the user’s relationship with the WEBSITE.

Legitimation for the treatment
The legal basis for the processing of personal data of users is the explicit acceptance of the processing, management and storage of the same according to this privacy policy.
The user’s information may also be used to comply with the various legal obligations of BABY NOMAD.

Data retention period

The data will be kept until the purpose for which they were collected is fulfilled or until the right to delete or modify them is exercised. Provided that this does not conflict with the need for legal or fiscal reasons to store the same.
However, if necessary, it will keep the information blocked for the legally established periods, in any case, the period: 12 months or the period established by another law for any action that may result from the treatment.

Exercise of rights

The WEBSITE guarantees the user at all times the exercise of their rights of access, rectification, limitation, deletion, cancellation, portability and opposition of the personal data provided, by writing to BABY NOMAD: Los Cabos or through the email address:

For more information on the exercise of these rights and pre-established models or forms, the user can access the official website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, through the channel of the citizen.
BABY NOMAD, undertakes to respond to requests for these rights within one month from receipt of the request, there may be an extension of up to two months when necessary depending on the data and the right requested, always communicating this circumstance to the person concerned within one month of receipt of the request.

Consequences of not accepting the privacy policy

In the event that the user does not accept the management of their data according to this privacy policy, it will not proceed to the collection of the same, which may mean that the service provided by BABY NOMAD can not be carried out.

Changes in the privacy policy

BABY NOMAD, reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy; these modifications will be made in accordance with legislation and jurisprudence and will be reflected in the same.
We will review and update the data protection information at least once a year or when there are changes in legislation or in any of the procedures for processing your personal information, indicating the date of the last update, content and date.
If we do so, we will notify you in several ways. If necessary, we will renew your consent to confirm that you agree to these changes.

Last revised: October 27, 2023.